Friday, February 26, 2010

Dinosaurs and Astronauts

 As a friend of mine once pointed out: As a child, you are either a dinosaur or an astronaut.  That isn't to say that you are green and spiky or that you live on the moon.  Her point was much more metaphorical and pointless- maybe it had something to do with living in the past rather than the future.  I don't recall much of that conversation other than my long-island ice tea tasted delicious.  

Anywho, back to Dinos and Moon-men.

Apparently a new species of Dinosaur was found this week, "Fossils of a previously undiscovered species of dinosaur have been found in slabs of Utah sandstone that were so hard that explosives had to be used to free some of the remains...." I know, I know, you are thinking "Is he really going to spend the entire blog talking about extinct species?" The answer is no- I will be sure to throw in random references to The Land Before Time and Jurassic Park. The fossils were from one of those long-neck 'leaf eaters'.  Technical term: sauropod.

So you think:  "Who cares?"  So another species of clunky over-sized lizards was uncovered by a socially awkward scientist....the point?

What if we are one of those over-sized clunky lizards?  I mean, what if billions of years for now, some socially awkward alien digs you up and gives you some foreign name?  And then you are subject to children's cartoon movies for little aliens to learn about the insignificant species which once ruled the world.

It seems like no matter where we look we are running into movies, which portray these species of creatures we known so little about.  I just wonder if one day when the next evolution in dominant species takes over, if they will make little films about little old humans.  

I guess it's a bit of a stretch, but maybe we should give a little more attention to the 'long-necks', after all they too have a story.  I know, when they dig me up from the ruins of LA, I want then them to take notice, and make a really killer movie in which they try to replicate my DNA and build a whole society of humans in cages which then becomes an amusement park-gone-wrong.

Perhaps this is a little like my friend's metaphor: pointless without a nice drink in hand.

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