Friday, February 12, 2010

February 12th: Darwin Day?

Yes, people out there are protesting the official Holiday of "Darwin Day".  Supporters state, "We need our elected leaders to speak out about the importance of scientific knowledge and its contribution to the advancement of humanity, and send a signal that religious infiltration into our science classrooms will not be tolerated. That's why we're asking you to sign our petition urging President Obama to recognize Darwin Day."  The date is to be set on or around February 12th (the scientists birthday).

Whether you are atheist or a firm believer in God, I think we can all agree Darwin Day is a dud.  Why not create a much better holiday like "Hugh Jackman day"?  Trust me, myself and millions of woman out there would love that day.

My point is to say that holidays should be seen for what they are: either religious, national, or commercial.

I don't believe any of the above categories weigh more or lass than any other (and in some cases the three overlap ie. Christmas)

What kind of celebrations will they have for Darwin day?  Perhaps children will dress up as little Darwins and parade around the school?  Maybe it will be a ritualistic day to honor our genetic background?  Or maybe we will be subject to reruns of  A Charlie Brown Darwin Day - in which Linus teaches Charlie Brown the true meaning of evolution.

EhScratch it.  Look, if you are going to start a national Holiday, my vote is on Hugh Jackman day.  Woman are you with me?

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